月曜日, 5月 09, 2005




Mark, the small businessman in Mexico City, decided to prove this theory for himself. First, he plugged his computer directly into his broadband internet connection. Then, he plugged it into the internet via the Vonage voice adapter modem which connects his telephone to the internet. He says that what he found was that the bandwidth to his computer was significantly reduced when it was plugged through the Vonage modem.

Mark's conclusion was that Prodigy/Telmex is able to identify the presence of a Vonage modem, and then slow bandwidth accordingly.


European-based Skype is the world's largest internet telephone service provider, with 35 million subscribers worldwide and more than 300,000 in Mexico. Unlike Vonage, Skype's service does not require a voice modem. Instead, users make their calls after first logging onto the company's website. But some Skype customers in Mexico who use the service through a Prodigy internet account have complained of being blocked from accessing the site.

"We understand from user reports and other sources that Skype.com is being blocked in areas covered by Telmex, although we can't confirm that Telmex specifically is blocking the Skype site," the company said in an official statement. "We encourage all broadband subscribers in this area to contact their internet service provider and demand the open access they pay for."



"Users decry decline in service "

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