Skype Client for Windows Mobile SmartPhone

ベータが出ました! がテキストのみ。つまりまだ音声は無しです。
----------------------- Relese notes ----------------------------------------
Skype for Smartphone BETA
* participate in Skype network - log in, presence
* instant messaging
* centrally stored contact list support
Things to be aware of
* no voice (yet)
* network traffic usage - depending on your buddy list network usage can be quite large - up to several megabytes per day even without actively chatting, this is important if you pay per megabyte. There is option automatically disconnect then Skype is in idle and it's switched on by default, feel free to switch it off if you have flat-free rate.
----------------------- FAQ ----------------------------------------
Q: Why not voice?
A: CPU power and network connectivity of currently available phones is not sufficient to enable Skype voice calls
Q: Why such big network traffic consuption?
A: Skype is built on peer-to-peer platform and by nature it requires more communication with other peers than simple server-based messaging. We are working to lower network usage in future versions.
Text only client for Windows Mobile Smartphone - Early version of Skype client for Windows Mobile Smartphone released !!!
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